Monday, May 13, 2019

Protecting Beauty: Self-Respect And Instinct

LOSE the naturally protective and God-given instinct and you lose your national security, your culture, your children, your life.  Traitors both in politics and in religion are promoting this obviously, and frankly historically, fatal betrayal of your trust by breaking down your natural barriers which are - or were since time immemorial - there for good reason.  And they are accomplishing it by way of three principle strategies:  gaslighting and shaming you, and bombarding you with propaganda.  It is akin to the destruction of your own physical and psychological immune system, and calling this healthy progress - what it is, is cultural Marxism by whatever name.

A renowned biologist back in the California of the 1920s, Luther Burbank, had worked on developing a breed of rose without thorns.  Beautiful specimen, but good for a greenhouse lab, not for a garden, and certainly not for the wide open.  There is a reason why nature bestowed thorns on roses, and that reason was to protect its beauty.'+Joshi+-+June+2014+007.JPG

We have watched the most adorable FB-video clips time after time (none of it staged) of the most unlikely of frisky or gentle friendships among a wide variety of animal species, most domesticated but some out of the wild and many half-half - frolicking and playing with one another with complete abandon, or sharing stuff with each other or protecting the weaker one in a manner which admittedly goes straight to the heart, such as you would never expect in natural surroundings.  And they are beautiful to watch.  Because they are occuring on their own, naturally - no NGO is imposing this on them, no lobby is working toward their detriment.  Yet we have often wondered why these will never be shown on your "Animal Kingdom" or otherwise zoological broadcasts. We assumed propaganda, because it "wouldn't fit their narrative".  To an extent this may well be true, but I have come to consider a better reason, even if both were the case: a show about the natural world and how it functions according to the rule would be amiss in showing you these adorable exceptions to the rule because they are just that:  they are not the rule but exceptions to the rule, and should be intelligently understood and regarded as such.  These playful mixings-up shouldn't be "curtailed" on account of this, no, but it would be misinformative and irresponsible to promote this on educational television as some "utopian vision" of where we are "supposed to" be taking this - in either animal or human kingdom.  Humans being of the highest order of course, we can and do and should learn and develop and pass along to our children mutual repect for ourselves, or each other and for one another.

Let this be clearly understood as an argument first of all recognizing that, and secondly buttressing the urgent defense instinct we are seeing becoming destroyed, dissolved, deconstructed, through a deliberate and perfidiously planned coercive relativism and dumbing-down to complicity - right before our very eyes.  It is a war of betrayal on the natural instinct of the individual, waged by an artifical Collectivism.

Via the frenetic and fanatical #OpenBorders propaganda mostly accelerated since Merkel's illegal move in September 2015, the #MigrationCompact and #RefugeeCompact signed in Marrakesh in December 2017, all of these entirely coercive in nature, we are seeing three things taking shape in the interest of a OneWorld Religion, a OneWorld Government, a OneWorld Unisexuality, a OneWorld Re-Education, and a OneWorld Groupthink - offering morally and ethnically, and moreover, physically, psychologically and spiritually disastrous (and quite possibly irreversible) consequences for us now, for our children, for the future.  This all being done with enormous hype, with enormous cooperation with benefits and personal enrichment at others' expense, with massive persuasion techniques some of which innovations would boggle the imagination, using policies and public media and the courts to blindside and corral the people, the public, the populations.  For a "progressive future" of course.  It is the ultimate Dream of every "Social Experiment" in Socialism or in Communism, in Collectivism - whether Brown, Red or Green or Rainbow - it is always Fascism by any name you give it. Their "Dream" is - and will be - your Nightmare.  And they know you will go along with it. I and those among whom I humbly count myself will tell you, you do so at your own peril - and at the peril of your own children.  Yet WE are supposed to the "enemy", the "reactionary Right", the "populist-extremists".,1687,x0,y139&width=3200&height=1680&fit=bounds

But hey, go for it - who am I to stop you?  The natural instinct and inclination of every humn child to protect itself and its own body and psyche from invasion into either sovereign space, is being deliberately broken down, and the otherwise healthy notion of "being open" and "appreciating yours and others' differences" is being crassly perverted into letting into yourself and into your fragile, developing identity the most glaring images and presences of invasion anyone who has ever him/herself been a child ever could imagine - and this is all being done with a smiling persuasion and a hugging or parading mobbing of that child's, or that population's, senses in a stark betrayal of our most intimate self-respect.  A betrayal by those very parents themselves, or by those very elected (and in the EU, non-elected) office-abusing officials, and certainly by the schools and by the media itself.

It is demonic, it is abominable, it is the opening of all portals toward a vastly powerful and vastly organized network of paedophiles occupying every elite structure, every level of the political or monarchical or social fabric of our world, of this world - and of most concern here, of the West.  Children are being unwitttingly encouraged into a fake "fearlessness" which is perverse in that it goes against their own God-given nature of self-protection and existential survival.  This traumatizing - this is the gaslighting, this is the perversion through coersion -  and those of us in outspoken opposition to this for the sake of all our own preseveration, are smeared as "evil", or as Merkel so succinclly put it in 2014/2015:  "...cold-hearted and hate-filled"..

But go ahead, be my guest (just not in my house), promote this, buy into it, identify with it.  At your peril and everyone else's - just not ours, so long as we can resist this darkness.

I have recently read a short piece promoting the idea that, since "all cultures are man-made", the best "step forward" is in dismantling this all as some concept in the way of "progressive development" - like ascribing to John Lennon's "Imagine" some kind of viable formlessness for a "desirable" future.

The reality however, is that cultures have always existed, however much they have changed, evolved and developed, for a damned good reason.  Borders have always been there to protect a nation, a country, a state, a people's culture and identity, a house, a legally defined property, a handbag if you will, and one's own person!  The beloved Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan, visiting Luther Burbank in that greenhouse in the '20s, remarked at his thornless rose, "We are in a similar endeavor, my work is to develop a human heart without thorns."  Inayat Khan was however also a realist, and he also had pointed out that "before you go removing divisons and fences, first inform yourself as to why they were there in the first place."  This is all well and good, thornless roses, thornless hearts.

Those singing and dancing up and down for #OpenBorders and inviting not only mass illegal unvetted immigration with benefits and automatic citizenship(!) and simultaneously frothing at the mouth and shouting down those who so much as question, much less oppose, this position - are themselves so full of thorns and venom in their sick, brainwashed hearts, as to be capable of not only totalitarian behavior and loud verbal abuse and coercion, but physical violence and manslaughter, if not murder as well.  I can attest to this in Germany, and others can attest to this elsewhere, including (to say the least) the U.S.

But lest I digress - let me again underscore, that when a Pope betrays his high office by kissing the shoes of Sudanese warlords; or a NewZeal-Land PM betrays her country and her people - and women all over the world, especially Muslim women being flogged and tortured, raped and imprisoned for rejecting this cloth - by donning a hijab and by formally inducing her country"men" and -women to do likewise out of "solidarity" with an IS/Al-Qa'ida/Muslim.Brotherhood/Hamas supportng mosque after a FalseFlag attack where lives were lost; or two German pontificates - a Vicar and a Cardinal - so shamelessly betray their respective Churches and European Christianity altogether, as to promote appeasement toward the factually growing Islamisation, enforce compliance within their respective congregations, and keeping the borders open and unsecured for the invitation of a takeover of Europe - all with a smile and a bludgeon; then it is time to wake up and to hit the streets and to resist.

Even at the risk of taking abuse, being spat upon, being attacked, even at the risk of eventual arrest and possibly of death.  It may well come to just that, and I rather wish it wouldn't but I rather think it will.  Compliance with the normopathic aggression, and subjugation of one's values to the systematic tyranny are all simply out of the question.

Those of us who have really learned by observation and research, from the National-SOCIALIST and from the Soviet-Bloc SOCIALIST histories know how to spot the Third Great Social Experiment being put forth by (literally or essentially) the same dark forces, the same reptilian, satanic globalists who have driven this every time in one outward form or another.  And always with lock-step cooperation by traitors, whose treachery and betrayal were always well-paid in the beginning - and repaid with a noose at the end.

Those who no longer see, grasp, appreciate, much less have any spine left to protect and to defend, beauty and innocence - nor the values of their own cultural integrity, or of their own scientific heritage, or of their own advancements in various world-benefitting fields - who no longer even recognize their own nationally diverse character and sense of fairness and tolerance and open interests, fall prey to a very diabolical gulliblilty and brain-softening which hammers them and then anaesthetizes them into conformity with a Takeover in the form of a OneWorld "Soviet" which a) makes fabulously effective use of a 14-century old exclusively Islamic domination by Shari'a (warned against above all by Ex-Muslims themselves, who are then targeted and smeared as "Islampophobic"), b) of gender-mainstreaming and complete confusion of the two sexes to attain toward a "hermaphrodite" model, and c) of classically communist diversions and framings to dominate the narrative every time. It is truly mental in its effect, it is the disturbed leading the naive, the sociopathic leading the normopathic - over the Abyss.

And the robust, confident, well-practiced supremacist (and likewise victim-playing) invaders and conquerors, with tremendous backing - from traitors in power and from officlal and medial fomentors (and enforcers) of cooperation - are not only at the door, they are well inside and functioning, they have long since anchored to bring in their cohorts and families and progeny.  Their accomplices are themselves Europeans, Germans, Christians and Jews who all belong to the System of Nihilism and ethnocide of their own people.

(But I guess I'm just some "American-imperialist, German-friendly, Christ-loving, Nazi-fascist right-wing-populist, white male hetero, homophobic/Islamophobic/xenophobic/antisemitic" Jew with "incompatibly" Sufi and Sikh roots, who is some kind of curmudgeon S.O.B. with a bad case of "attitude".)  So I'll end now with this:

Defending the integrity of your own person is not only imperative, it is worth it.  Defending and standing up for the integrity of borders and the joy and beauty of own traditions and culture - without which you cannot appreciate others' theirs, or not honestly so - is imperative and is worth it.  We are beset here in Berlin with an arrogant, underhanded, ideological-Left garbage-culture, spoken for and promoted by all governing entities from President to Chance-Liar to local mayors - and opposed exlusively by the AfD party - embodied in the most low-brow manner by such gratuitous obscenities as the misnomer "Center for Political Beauty" and a number of "Anti"fa-Punk bands which drew 65,000 brainwashed Germans to a "concert" using nothing less than an open Presidential encouragement to attend, free entry/transportation/Coke/and Ben&Jerrys (all of which products or services I now boycott), and a factually disproven but adamantly stated lie by Merkel herself.  Under the present circumstances, which are admittedly daunting for those of us standing firm, we will have this to look forward to:

 ...before ever returning - with God's help and our determination - to this:'+Joshi+-+June+2014+007.JPG

Friday, May 10, 2019

Dark Clouds Over Berlin, Blood in the Streets

I see crass domination coming, creeping subjugation acquiesced to, and slaughter of those least expecting it.

The day will come and draws ever nearer, when the screams of the traitors as they are being slaughtered in their own streets - slaughtered in the vile juices of their own treachery, their shrill venom once levelled at those of us who had tirelessly and thanklessly warned now oozing from their same gullets - slaughtered by the enemies whom they'd willfully let in, their screams will be heard.  And this at a bloodcurdling pitch superceding their earlier choral cheers of "Welcome Refugees!" and "Open Borders!" (or toward ourselves, "Nazis raus!")...


This otherwise heart-rending cry at the slaughter will reach these ears without moving in me so much as a gesture.  For they will have already long since invested so much of their own marshalled forces to bring it to this, and to delivedr us and our children, our progeny, over to the brutal fate now befalling them instead, by some inevitable justice.  And I will be withheld by my own very conscience before my Maker, from falsely attributing redemption or intervening whatsoever on their behalf.

I hear its approach.  I smell the coming stench.  This day is not far at all.

"Shaming" I Could Grow To Love

"Shaming" I have absolutely no problem with, whatsoever:

Ignorance shaming,
Arrogance shaming,
Crass-Hypocrisy-to-others'-detriment shaming
Left-ideological-bullying shaming,
Domination-DramaQueen shaming,
Trans-dominant/anti-Lesbian shaming,
Trump-bashing shaming,
Child-hostile/Abortion-freak shaming,
Anti-Christian/Satanophile shaming,
Paedo-Apologist shaming,
Hillary-diehard shaming,
Hitler-obsessing shaming,
"Anti"fa-support shaming,
Unvetted-unlimited-illegal-immigration shaming,
Open.Borders shaming,
Migration.Compact shaming,
Social-Experiment shaming,
Passive-resignation-toward-Merkel shaming,
Self-loathing shaming,
German-bashing shaming,
Racism-toward-European-ethnic-stock-(i.e., white) shaming,
AfD-hostile-disinformation shaming,
Hostile-Lesbo-"Feminist" shaming,
Islamic.Terrorism-by-some-other-name shaming,
Islamisation-denial shaming,
Globalist-One-World shaming,
Thought-police/Denunciation&Defamation shaming,
Shari'a-Taqiyya shaming,
Donning-a-Hijab-out-of-"solidarity" shaming,
Mainstream-Media-defense shaming,
and much more - much, much more...

More "shaming" I could be perfectly alright with:

"Diversity"/Tolerance-Dogma&Propaganda shaming,
Tacky.Theatrics-of-the-Cult-of-Being-Offended shaming,
Blind.Loyalty-to-Socialism shaming,
Underhanded.coercive-tactics-and-gaslighting shaming,
Coercive-Helper-and-Stockholm-Syndromes-as-Policy shaming,
Indifference-toward-rapes/murders-of-Germans-since-2014 shaming,
Indifference-toward-Merkel's-indifference-toward-everything-but-power shaming,
AfD-bashing shaming,
Political-Correctness-in-a-Culture-of-Denunciation&Defamation shaming,
Greta.Thunberg-worship shaming,
CO2-hysteria-and-quackery shaming,
Confusing-Climate-with-Environment shaming,
Climate-hysterical-hostility-toward-Children&Childbearing shaming,
Gender.mainstreaming/sexualisation-of-children shaming,
Hypermoralistic.Hypocrisy&Hypochondria shaming,
Confusing-the-Berlin.Wall-with-actual-Border-Security-issues shaming,
Making-cheap-capital-on-the-Shoa shaming,
Misuse-of&Overkill-on-the-word-"Nazis" shaming,
Misuse-of-the-word-"phobia" shaming,
Mixed-Metaphor shaming,
Hetero-Bashing/Shaming shaming,
"Shaming" shaming.

Shame on all of these.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

In Tolerance Lies The Fallacy

Intolerance itself is the lingua franca of our day, as in, "fighting intolerance".  It is worse than Quixotic.  It is childish, puerile, inane, itself achieving the very height (or depth?) of banality. 

Intolerance in fact is always "justified" when it's leveled against whichever the hyper-moralistic "Liberals" and their still more hysterical extremists intend to project as "intolerant".

Tolerating - thereby identifying with -  Islam however, and denying its express racism toward whites, i.e., European stock and culture, is the order of the day.  All this while entirely overlooking, considering all the popularly hyped Black identification with an Islam which has historically and to this day disdained, disparaged, and enslaved Black Africans, that Islam itself is, from its scriptural traditions and instructions to its practice over 14 centuries:  racist, intolerant 

But that's alright, when the Left is there anyway making its way through all the institutions, in order to assist the soft-jihad of Islam to do exactly the same and be used in bringing about the Atheistic Revolution to Make an End to Western Civilization.  Of course, each thinks it is the one leading the other by the nose with deceptions of "shoulder-to-shoulder" cunningness.  But the Left will lose out on this, it always has, when helping Islam to power - every time. Because Islam hath no partners, the Left never reads the fine print staring them in the face.  Their tolerance will leave them swinging at the end of a rope, I assure you.  "It is written", into the very constellation of the thing.  The underhanded treachery of the Left will have them seeing their own hands cut off.  Am I sounding brutal?  You haven't heard or seen anything yet.  What is already here, amongst us, and still coming in spades - that is brutal.  You do not want me to elaborate, because you never did your homework anyway, and you won't start now on my account.

"Cultural appropriation" where it really hits  - as in the current slew of BBC productions, erasing ethnic European history by installing black or mixed actors in roles out of white European legend and heritage - no one cares about, they're more ocncerned wiht who dresses up as what on Halloween and whether that's "stealing culture" or "offending"!  The BBC performs this brainwashing of a general public already groomed to become indifferent, and particularly of its youth, taking pains to present this all as simply "artistic freedom" in "countering" some "prevailing racism and intolerance".  They pull it off as do the most pernicious brainwashers and propagandists ever, ever did:  with a feigned innocence and mock sincerity in purpose.  THIS is criminal. This is Socialism caught red-handed in full social-engineering mode, and this is one concrete reason why I abhor and reject Socialism altogether and wish to see it finally relegated to the dustbin of history.  For it is racist and intolerant to the core, while selling itself cheaply as The Tolerant - at what in the final outcome proves to be a high price indeed.


So racism and intolerance are "inherent traits" of White ethnic European stock - not (in fact never) of Black African, not of Muslim, either toward each other or amongst themselves or (let us for once be honest) toward the wide spectrum of White European stock.  And as these "evil traits" must - through social engineering of course - be beaten and intimidated out of the Western White World in order to coerce and brainwash it - or its youth, its children - into a maleable and complicit acceptance of the sort of unisex, uniform, conformist, progressively-decadent, loveless, colorless, soulless, one-think collectivist and totalitarian Godless monstrosity illustrated with prophetic cunning, by George Orwell and by Aldous Huxley, respectively: There will be both the "boot on your face" and the "Brave New World".  Without love, without harmony, without beauty.,45,480,270_AL_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg

In fact, it is above all: The ultimate assault on dignity and on beauty.  And on innocence.


Germans who still have an ounce of dignity have to watch helplessly, as a communist network of psychological terrorists and characteristically arrogant non-artists and drama-queens capable of producing only shit and coercive tactics, calling itself, in classically socialist phrasing, "Center for Political Beauty", recieves so much moral support and funding from the SPD, from the LEFT, and from the GREENS - and from the literally Stasi-led Antonio-Amadeus-Foundation, to the extent that this privileged "Center for Political Beauty" might now and then be taken to court but will always walk free without a fine or a warning.  Because native ethnic Germans who love their  country, want to preserve a national identity, want to raise their generations sensibly and healthily and with the most loved traditions intact - are "inherently racist and intolerant".  And the "Center for Political Beauty" is by its very name and nature:  politically and artistically the very Ugliness of Socialism itself.

Celebrities have been selling their souls on television doing ad-spots as "Tolerists", telling you - with the recognizable girns of the self-betraying - just how great it is to be that (new salvation, new religion?) and you should want to "become one" too.  you flip channels out of sheer shame for them.

And while we're on Germans: You still find World Hunger campaigns for "moving German hearts" to cough up that 2 Euro-piece instead of spending it on an ice cream cone, so that this kid somewhere in Africa can go to school on that same coin.  The "good German" smiling in the upper right corner of the ad is a "world-improver", and the African kid smiling down there in the lower left of the same ad - he's also a "world-improver".  So, y'know - "get on it" already.  Right.  THIS is the propaganda:  not, that someone could use a few Euros for a start-up (so you are being told), and you should get off your lazy, intolerant ass, no - the propaganda is as follows:

Denied is, that Germans have contributed with heart and soul and pocketbook to exactly these causes in especially Africa (and elsewhere far and abroad) over decades of post-WWII German social consciousness, to the tune of over 500 billion DM and now Euros.  That's all apart from what the German government itself, from administration to administration, has pumped into African aid over the decades.  Not only that.

Denied is also, that German individuals - prominent or unknown - have gone personally into these areas and helped them build inside of their own village cultures, helped them build wells, re-do their farming, or whatever, and see to new local infrastructures, schools, clinics, which should alleviate the sufferings of hunger and poverty and illness.

Denied is furthermore, that none of this over the years, over the decades - whether the contributions abroad out of German pockets or the personal sweat of those ifne German individuals who break their butts down there - none of this in the end, unto the present day, this May of 2019, tragically none of this actually paid off at all.  Why?  Because of local warfare complimented by German weapons sales (trafficking) , because of local tyranny, because of socialist incursion, because of NGOs àla Soros, and of course, much thanks to Islamic progress in the cultivation of Shari'a.

Now, to wrap this up with a fine example of actual German-Left intolerance and racism.  Because Germans are not "inherently racist and intolerant" any more than anyone else on earth - and I personally have no desire to ever coerce anyone from his or her bigotry or racism or antisemitism, because that's a matter of own personal development and no longer the drive behind any political power, let this be made perfectly clear:  the racism and intolerance of the German-Left is, like the Socialism in National-Socialism, not due to its being German but to its bein LEFT:  for the LEFT itself is inherently intolerant and racist and at least latently Jew-hating.  And the German-Left is, even against their own cherished self-image:  ever so "German" about it.

The objects of their socialist umbrage whom  I see here, particularly receving the brunt of Leftist venom and hatred, would have to be the Ex-Muslims who eloquently address, from their own Arabic- or Farsi-speaking experience,  from their own direct knowledge of Islam, of Qur'an, of Hadith, of Shari'a, of oppressiveness, repression, the realities they grew up with and know how to observe around them today and articulate that to those would just once pay attention.  And who speak from direct, native experience when they warn of taqiyya and soft-jihad.  And then they get maligned and dumped-on by that very Left which screams itself and everyone around them bloody sick, with "More-tolerance!" and "Less-racism!" and "Welcome-Refugees!" and "No-Borders!" and of course -  in the bogus-sacred (milk)cow of "Fighting-the-Right" - you have the obligatory, "All-Cops-Are-Bastards!"

In Tolerance...Lies: the Fallacy.
("Freedom rather than Socialism!")