Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Breaking the Mainstream's Hold

There was resistance to the Civil Rights Movement, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. Nothing can fully eradicate racial tension, and its forms take surprising turns which no liberal wants to face up to.

There was resistance to its (the Civil Rights Movement) extention toward the Women’s Movement, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. Nothing can fully eradicate sexism, and the very term has since been bludgeoned beyond logical recognition.

There was resistance to its extention toward Gays, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. Which many of us (politically incorrect) don’t view as any justification for an LGBT/QA*+etc. Lobby.

There was resistance to its extention toward children and children’s services, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. This gets lost in costly programs which become ideologized rather than effective – but I’m coming to that.

There was resistance to its extention toward animal protection, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. And no, animal cruelty will never be banished from the world, much to my heartache. But awareness has improved.

Now we are faced with the first and most profound opportunity ever, taking vast elite-driven pedophilia reaching into the highest echelons by the horns (figuratively and – despite your rolling your eyes – literally) and driving a stake into it which would make the exposure of Catholic (and Protestant) Church abuses take a back seat.

Now we are faced with a monumental chance and challenge, perhaps our last, but certainly the decisive one, to be on the right side of history on this one, now and not later: while everyone is laughing up their sleeves over “fake-news” and Trump-bashing, children are suffering and will go on suffering. Just not on my watch. I voted for this and by God I will stand behind every effort, every bold step of my President toward the full exposure and most far-reaching eradication of this very horror. No matter how often he may put his foot in his mouth. It’s a big mouth and his foot will make great strides. I will bear witness to what comes. May God grant all investigations and all procedures toward fulfilling this all-encompassing wish of mine, success. Success in nailing the highest and the most nefarious, throughout the network’s global reaches, breaking the very back of it, convicting the domestic perpetrators and sending waves of like convictions into the international arena. Yes, I’m asking too much perhaps. The Bushes, the Clintons, and more. The royals – in the UK, Saudi – the EU-Parliament.

The Germans can tell you about the Saxon Swamp, that’s the enormous pedophile network in that state which got leaked out and exposed, until the then state-level Interior Minister, DeMazière, pulled all his strings to cover it up – and hardly anyone talks about it anymore. Except we “Deplorables” here.

Where is DeMazière today? Well, he’s right where Merkel put him a few years ago: he is now Federal Interior Minister, as if nothing in Saxony had ever occurred. Period.

Know what the Greens are accomplishing here? And they are doing it on orders from the UNO and WHO (leading me to ask, as my last straw at humor in a most unamusing world: “WHO’s doing this?” – “Oh, UNO…”). Which means you will be seeing it more in the U.S., but not because of this President. The precedent was already there, and it went into effect on the last President’s watch – in Germany it’s made strides: I am speaking of early sexualization in the schools, starting at pre-school and working on up into the grades until well into Jr. High.

This involves, at least here in Germany where the Greens Party has a long and established history as a Pedo-Party, in both practice and in what it promotes. Not kind of sort of, but literally. The lobby for introducing – not merely tolerance, no, that doesn’t satisfy them – but total acceptance as a norm and a preference, of homosexuality, bisexuality, complete sexual dis-orientation, of the targeted breakdown of all things hetero, family-oriented, science sacrificed to pseudo-science in a grand human experiment with the most narcissistic, nihilistic, pathological drives and goals and results. Dildos and BDSM material, objects, picture books, multi-oriented bordello planning as “homework” assignments. If you think I am making a word of this up, think again. The ground is being prepared all around us for a further culture of massive pedophilia, as with Islamization it has its phases until all sense of normal reaction IN YOURSELF toward all this is gradually erased. Wake up.

The Greens here in Germany, in the German Bundestag, in the Berlin Senate, have literally and to the letter stated, that “pedophilia must be decriminalized”. I will not look back at my life during my 150 years, and ask - or worse, be asked - why did I not raise my voice, why did I not care.

WTF up.

(American College of Pediatrics reaches decision: Transgenderism of children is child abuse)

American College of Pediatrics reaches decision: Transgenderism of children is child abuse

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Back when my lad (now 20, and about whom I still say: "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased...") was about 5 and I was putting him to bed, I had just finished reading an email from a fellow expatriate here. It contained a book review on something dealing with anecdotal material from witnesses to SS atrocities in Poland. A former villager told of seeing an SS guy strolling casually down the alley or street or road, whistling merrilly as he dangled a just still living and moaning infant on the tip of his bayonette, its last breath still audible to the witness. I sat stock still. I was, needless to say, so deeply upset at reading this, so traumatized because no matter how much material you take in – and I'd already imbibed a very, very great deal – it whacks you over that cliff of the most terrible distress, every time. Every time. So now I gotta put my laddy to bed. We sat in the near pitch dark room.  Rather than singing or playing, I was dead silent. Being a child, he sensed my sadness.

In his half-Doitch, half-English, he asked me what was wrong. Of course telling him anything like this was completely out of the question, but I had to be straight with him. I replied, "Well, hon', Papa is just very very sad right now." Asking me why, I replied again, "Sometimes there are others in the world, children, yes also children, who suffer or have suffered such things I cannot tell you, and your Papa is just too sad about it not to be sad." He wanted to comfort me.

So I did what actually wasn't our habit, but also not unheard of: I said, "Let's put our hands together here, you put yours together and then mine over yours, so... And Papa is going to pray, and this will be your little bed-time prayer, just yours." And I began, "My Beloved Lord and Cherisher, may all children everywhere be as loved, and as cherished, and as safe and secure as me."

In German there is no one word for cherish, except in cherishing an idea or a wish. To cherish a person is conveyed in a phrase, and my German idioms were less up to it at that time. While the sweet sound of our word, cherish, no doubt from the French cher, is to endear – we all know it conveys something more than words, notwithstanding a popular single on the charts back in the mid-'60s.

My little son asked me in his 5-year-old attempt at a new English word, "Was ist 'chewish'?"

I told him, "Well, you know what it is to love someone a whole lot, like how your Papa loves you, right? Cherish is something totally – lile you could never imagine livng without that one, ever. It's like....this:"

And I proceeded to give him pecks on the skin of his back, along the shoulders and between the shoulder blades, each kiss a dry and tender covenant of everlasting love toward my own child, each kiss a protection, a prayer for his well-being. After a few of these, I said, "Cherish is like...that. Okay? Now to bed with you."

We sat there a moment, in the dark – or I sat, he leaned over my arm some. And then he said, "Chewish me again."

And of course, I did.

I cherish him now as I ever have, and I will always have his back. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


The difference between indifference and detachment
is that between sloth and consciousness.
The one lukewarm if not cold, the other a sovereign heat
which tends to itself, and in so doing warms others.

The difference between the march on Washington in Jan. 2017
and the one in Aug 1963 is that the latter was a major milestone
in the interests of all Americans  across the board, arousig hope
in dignity and democracy, inspired with vision that lifted up.

The likes of either had never been seen, yet while the mass in 2017
fomented and capitalized on division and violence over nothing;
the throngs in 1963 showed detachment toward a waning opposition
clearly in the last throes of its rule of indifference across the nation,

welcoming with refreshing vigor all of the country to its challenge.
The memory of the one recalls real interfaith cooperation among patriots,
betraying this mockery toward protest's tradition 54 years later as today's
complete disregard of logic and reason buttresses an alarming indifference

toward all whom it distances, toward all whom it dismays with its venom
and the travesty of artificial emotion, staged outrage, manipulation
of every sensibility arousing only disgust toward its flagrant disregard
toward all those whom it presumes to admonish and lecture and mobilize.

Detachment toward the expected reaction from status quo of ruling forces
demonstrated the disciplined resolve toward unity and consciousness
in '47 by Gandhi, in '63 by King, brought the crowning achievement
of a patriotism embracing all - the mob and rabble of 2017 only ruin

in the name of an unrecognizable "feminism" and dhimmitude under Shari'a.
There is no empathy and no compassion - only narcissistic indifference - toward
real victims: those under Islam's archaic iron authority, those who do not feel
represented by the marching and rioting and occupying hordes of 2017.

The stifling, dominating climate of mob rule is altogether indifferent toward
the destruction it leaves in its wake, brazenly indifferent toward the injuries it brings,
pettily indifferent toward the damage in millions, toward the horror it visits on
the landscape of this nation, just as in 18 cities across France, Europe will follow.

Snowflakes who'd like to break your jaw, pepper-spray your eyes, fantasize
being the iceberg which rises out of a depth which they'll never know, to sink
the yearned-for ship of the enemy they make of you and me while in fact being
held afloat themsleves by a Titanic too morbid, nauseatingly evil to mention.

A detached view toward one's own person and responsibility toward one's world,
can never lend itself to becoming dhimmi, nor be someone's useful idiot:
that is why no Snowflakes - or any other flakes - will be found marching as millions
for the sake of any victims under Shari'a or any victims of our pedophile system.

Detachment feels deeply, observes objectively, then acts consciously with eyes open.
Indifference is both jaded and primitive in its degradingly slavish Groupthink.
What today's Left passes off as street "protest" has all the markings of a severely
disturbed psychiatric case who defecates generously in his pants, dragging the stench.

Women who could give a shit about women, LGBT/QA*+etc. who could care less
about real and abominable terror in the lives of gays and transgender under Shari'a,
atheists who are suspiciously doctrinaire in defending, even promoting Islamisation,
mobs of pampered home-grown terrorists themselves reminiscent of Hitler Youth

calling everyone who balks at swearing them allegiance or challenges them, "Nazis".
They are for all dis-anchoring, as Lenin once called the real majority "menshevik"
in a device to win the name "bolshevik", the rotters of today presume to lay claim
to the crowing achievements of a far earlier decade, the crown now digraced and sunken

into a swamp of indifference toward actual suffering, and toward their own hypocrisy.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Finding My President

I VOTED TRUMP for chiefly one purpose, all other issues and reasons considered - more pro than con - aside, everything was a close or distant second to my foremost deciding factor, which was to do my part to see that Hillary definitely loses this election and bids all claims on the White House bye-bye. And even in this, all good reasons to get her out of there took a back seat to one thing above all.

I have given open addresses on at least three occasions in Berlin taking this concern head on. I have posted over and over, and written pointedly on this one chief issue. Because on this linch-pin rests much of what touches on those issues which also relentlessly concern me, observing from Berlin: Europe and the US and the West altogether - those being of Islamisation and immigration, the "refugee"-industry and its political capital, of jobs and economic growth, of foreign policy and wars, of globalisation and lobbies of the Regressive Left, Venomism and its doctrines of poltical correctness and gender-insanity (with its suspicious preoccupations).

THIS CHIEF ISSUE I'M REFERING TO IS PEDOPHILIA, dear readers, its vast and yet familiar network of the elite and powerful: its ritual satanism, its inroads via "gender" politics and the New Venomism, via the culture of Left-extreme mobbing, censorship, violence and intimidation. I have posted so vehemently, some may have thought I'd lost my marbles. I haven't.

I have found my President.

As I am writing this, he is delivering on his promise to put the heat of his Office on the entire spectrum and range of networks and systems of this abomination. The FBI is on it, the CIA is scrambling for which side to finally be on, on this. Good people in law enforcement and investigation, who have had their hands tied for so long, are now being given their marching orders.

The domino consequence may, God-willing, bring this to a just conclusion, and mean the real fall of the following system-elite, all implicated - to name but a few: the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bushes, the Podestas, Merkel, de Mazière, von der Leyen, all the German parties in Bundestag, many bastards in Brussels...

This is a story of not only the pedophilia rings themselves, but of the entire systematic procedure of kidnappings, pimpings, sales and purchases, tortures and murders, cover-ups - and of course, BLACKMAIL, for which this is so lucrative. Involved are the highest placed, and less higher as well, in European as well as Saudi royalty, in politics of course and in the media, all manner of worthies and dignitaries you can imagine, secret service entities and security, in law enforcement agencies and justice, in academia, among military,industrial, entertainment and sports elite. It involves the bought and compromised participation of some FBI, of some CIA, and of - it pains me to say, but naiveté doesn't belong here - the Mossad as well. Yes, that means, Israel with Saudi, Mossad with CIA. (That doesn't make me less Jewish, nor less for the State of Israel. My insistence on truth and exposure requires me to play straight.)

This gives us the wars as well, the plight of Haiti as well as of Syria, the strange bedfellows which procure ... little bedfellows, so to speak.

Now the hated and maligned current President, the one I voted with no regret, is taking real actual steps toward exposing and bringing down - with encouraging results so far - this abomination. The MSM is practically silent on this, the German MSM completely and conspicuously - and expectedly - so.

Many many willing witnesses, confronters, exposers, victims, investigators over the years, have been either threatened and intimidated, blackmailed, paid off, injured, killed or murdered concerning exactly this matter - just as with other ones not being addressed here. I am praying that President Trump lives to see this through.

And so is his wife - she knows what is at stake:

 (Melania Trump Prays at Trump Rally in Melbourne, Florida 18 Feb 2017)

 17th Annual Bunny Hop At FAO Schwarz

PEGIDA Notes, Part XXXIV - Translation of Talk at 100th Bärgida Demo-Walk

War Of Nerves


Trump and his voters have all done us a great favor. Hillary is out. Merkel and her red-red-green (Left-SPD-Greens) have to come up with something, as if they had a thread of "credibility" left.  The fake-news press - and I don't mean CNN, where Trump talked turkey about the difference between war and not-war - no, I mean the fake-news press here, in Germany:  only here will you read that Hillary, instead of Trump, come January 20th, move into the White House as President ... * (with her "Billy Boy"). Yeah, you only get that here, this is where such idiocy is read and heard!  I ask myself as an educated American, and also as a voter, I ask myself after 28 years in Berlin - WTF did  I miss? Does your leading conventional conformist mainstream lfake-news  media know something that CNN or Fox or even MSNBC do not know? Has anyone ever experienced something like this before with the Amis?

Haven't seven decades of American occupation and friendship and vassal "partner" sufficed to realize: that elected also means elected, all the moreso when by a landslide victory from voters who'd had enough of the eternal Democrats Republican system hat swap? With the massive fraud and mendacity, with the dull dumbing-down and immeasurable arrogance, where Trump's biography by comparisopn comes off as a side-issue?

Oh, the German press! A "change" from the Gauckler to a Steinmeier - a Presidency which still remains un-elected by the people, but decided in the back room of the politically correct. One reads captions capturing the German lemming-mentality in the tabloid rags, I quote (and no, this is no satire!):
"Here is a true President, Mr. Trump" - like Hillary before the election day, now they want to dangle Steinmeier as a "someone" in front of Trump's nose.

How embarrassing, how pathetic, this banana republic has become. No, mainstream propaganda-dreck, no, no: Trump was democratically voted, you idiots!

But an actor remains an actor. You all know the "Captain of Köpenick" - once played by Rudolf Platte, sometimes Heinz Rühmann, but a bum in a Captain's uniform remains a bum and can never be a Captain. And that's how it looks with Merkel's boy.  Claudia Roth, who at the recent party conference of the Greens came off like she'd just been dismissed from psychiatry in order to make her "feminist" address to her stoned-out pedo-party, began with a clear statement: "Dear women, dear non-men, .. ." Hello??  Hey - that was worse, that went farther than Lübke's "Dear Negroes" back in his time!

Some ask me, in my family - apropos Amis - why I, the peace-loving liberal-educated Jewish boy, as I'd been known, why I'm seriously committed since over a year now, to training in a self-defense, evening for evening, week after week. A system developed for the Israeli armed forces (IDF). A system that can be learned and implemented in every country, and for every goddamned normal Müller-Meyer, because it has been developed not only for security forces or the military.

Why then, if you yourself aren't some street pugilist and antisemitic, Islamophobic tough guy (no matter what Anetta Kahane writes about me in the Berliner Zeitung)? Why then, if you think as I certainly do, that I needn't personally fear anything? The real reason is my patriotic determination to fight for principles, to represent the truth and to demand truthfulness from politicians!

We have long been at war - in a mental war, and by God a spiritual. And we are in a war of nerves, before us is a challenge which is not polemical and not theoretical, but really highly dangerous. Just this week, we could see Merkel in the Bundestag lecturing us all on, among other things, the Accord with Turkey, we got to see how she responded to the not-so-loud intermittent hissing from a female politician, "shame, shame". This was the first time that Merkel broke her "cool" aloofness and with an unmistakably pointed admonishing tone, put her to silence with, "Be very careful there - very careful!"

That spoke volumes! And it is precisely the indifference and arrogance of the "gesture" of Merkel's hands, "Pack" of Gabriel's, "measureless Maas", Claudia "Clowns", "Stasi" Kahanes, and all of them are not like Bärgidas and all other patriots. Our weapon is first and foremost our public presence (and we have behind us far more fellow citizens than we see here today), our lectures and speeches, our research and informational work, which we get down to truthfully and conscientiously. Our courage and tenacity, yes, our impertinence, every week, Monday, today for the hundredth time, to take to the street, to walk peacefully, show face and flag!

And that for Germany. For direct democracy. For homeland, for freedom, for tradition. To maintain these values.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

PEGIDA Notes, Part XXXIII - Translation of "Trump And Me"

(This was written for Colfax in November 2016 and for delivery as a public address shortly after. It also reflects my gradual decision that one could no longer avoid openly and publicly confronting the matter of satanic ritual and pedophilia - and without mincing words - merely because many might "not be ready" for it.  It was time, it was time:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HQ1n3VFKkw )

I'd voted for Obama twice, I'd voted for Bill Clinton at the time, and I'd always stayed, as usual, with the Democratic Party, much like the SPD loyalties here. I would never in my life vote Republican or its candidates - basta.

I have gradually thrown many beliefs and familiar opinions overboard the last 2-5 years. How's that again? Although I am the same person, what has moved me from the core has remained, and still moves me.

This means: to question one's own perspectives, to deal with it, to think counter to the current, to develop myself and grow past GroupThink's self-presumptions and political correctness.

When I realized how urgent it was to stop Hillary Clinton, I was still a long way from arriving at Donald Trump. In February of this year, I'd written a scathing little number about him. He was still in a line-up of Republican candidates - none of whom came into question, not even in my worst dream.

Only late in the election campaign did I get to know Donald Trump and his positions. Taking all other candidates into account, whether the by now eliminated Republicans or even Bernie Sanders, who also fell out, and especially Hillary, it was clear that Hillary had to be stopped.  But only by Trump, and not by abstention or by any other candidates or party. That she could finally be defeated only by a Trump victory. So much was clear to me.

So bad was the idea of seeing Hillary elected, especially "to have a woman in office," as it was hyped - that I considered maybe to accept Trump after all because he was "not-Hillary".  Was that enough?  No - I still went back and forth until October, when I was down to filling out my ballot, till I convinced myself of Trump. And convinced, I sent my ballot off to Colorado. And I could look myslef in the mirror with a clear conscience.

Because Trump's authenticity, his clear, lone counter-positioning to all that Hillary and the Democrats - even his Republican opponents, and that was also a bunch there - had represented and said and failed, made him actually sympathetic. Even as a person.

His statements and opposition to the most important issues such as: war against Russia and Iran, immigration and refugee policy, illegal immigration (whether from Mexico or the Islamic world), and, above all, globalization, the economic crisis and the future of NATO , As an Ami patriot and a German patriot, have absolutely convinced me that this time, unlike what I'd routinely done in years past, I'm voting against a dangerous, poisoned climate of political correctness, the leftist fascist dictatorship, and gender mainstreaming.And against my own long-felt grooves and self-presumption, which I can no longer concur with (or no longer as those now representing the left). It was time for a change, which affected my own values ​​and beliefs - and no longer what you always believed-no matter-what and come-what-may. For what comes, in fact, and what may indeed be, would now be called Hillary Clinton. And that was out of the question.

And I conclude here, after all has been said, with a topic which does not really make it into the public mainstream perception, because it'll always be drowned out, blocked out, relativized, detoured, denied, etc. Something I've been unabashedly open about for months, that is, on my public FB page, along with my own contributions - something that, thanks to Wikileaks, finally cracks this silent nasty wall which is beginning to crumble. I'm talking about: active satanism, occult rituals, hand in hand with all the pedophilia rings and uncannily extensive participation by elites and celebrities, globally networked. And Hillary - the White House under Clinton, under Bush, under Obama - yes, Hillary and her John Podesta, with their thick cozy friendship with "artist" Marina Abramovic, who have their "spirit-cooking" with politicians and celebrities, in their "performance events" celebrated and followed up with pedophile activities, among other things, In the White House.

What has all this to do with Merkel? Let's talk about de Misère and the Saxony Swamp, let alone what is still going on here today in the Trinity Church in Berlin-Steglitz - Hillary had already clearly declared Merkel to be her role model.

I love museums. I love the Museum Island here. And I always loved the Pergamon, and how! The impressive steep stairs inside however, are for ancient temple rites where countless prisoners of war, and later the Christians, were presented for human sacrifice. This is not shared in those tourist brochures for the millions of visitors! You can not read this in any advertisement! Since the transporting of this temple of human sacrifice to Berlin at the end of the 19th century, there followed in the 20th: two World Wars, National-Socialism, as well as GDR socialism, and so on. Of which one can speak, today's Left/SDP/Greens socialism (red-red-green) under Merkel, Honecker's revenge - and wife Margots also (sitting pampered and holding court in Chile, from where she'd stated GDR socialism would return and bite us, and it has). I've been thinking of Angie's infamous and tireless gesture for years*.

Out of all Berlin, Merkel could have a wide range of living options. But she took for herself just this otherwise inconspicuous residential address, which is right near and at the foot of the Pergamon temple - you getting this? . . . With its stairs to the human sacrifice. Inconspicuous is also an oddly minimalist in design, cooled down restaurant offering Korean mod-mixed cuisine, called "Dae Mon" (Daemon = "demon" in German) behind the Pergamon. I do not know where Angie is eating - or whether what I'm saying here really matters to the public, or if they'd register it. You'd definitely be regarded as an "aluminum hat" type.

*(Angie's eternal gesture, right at navel level, I'd recognized it from the start of her reign 
as actually of the dark occult, directing us downward to lower forces.  I counter this in my concentrations by reversing it, in upward prayer mode, at throat level.)

But not much longer - the page is turning. There are Wikileaks and other sources of exposure and clarification. And what I have so far expressed cautiously, recently much more openly, is confirmed, and I'm not cutting any slack. These are children, those are our elites, this is our society, this is our country, there is our future, which is why we stand here now and this very day! Why we are fighting.

My own family, and many friends - who will always remain family and friends - understand me less and distant themselves more often. I can live with it. It's getting hotter and hotter. It's also getting colder and worse. The urge to decide once and for all where you stand and what you stand for is accelerating.

And Merkel officially declares, with her hand gesture, her "candidacy" for a fourth term, her Fourth Reich.

PEGIDA Notes, Part XXXII - Translation of my letter to President Gauck


(Italic notes for the reader are provided intermittently, to explain events with which otherwise only Germans would be familiar.)

Bundespräsidialamt                                                         26. Oktober 2016

Spreeweg 1
10557 Berlin

Honorable President Gauck,
A word concerning my person:

My name is Samuel Inayat-Chisti. I am an American Jewish citizen living in Berlin now for 28 years. You are the second Federal President since 1993, whom I have contacted in writing. The former responded kindly to my letter within ten days.

I would kindly like to have your answers to a few questions.

You often speak of "the dark Germany", and I wonder if you might mean by "the dark Germans", someone other than those who want to create a vicious future for our country and constitutional state, who in their highly nihilistic and narcissistic manner are bent on preparing Germany for its downfall. For this image you draw of a "dark Germany" can only be correct if you mean, among others, the following persons and examples:


For example, the current Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière and the Saxony Swamp affair of a few years ago. Quite probably on extremely dark example.  (While he was state-level Interior Minister he covered upfor a huge pedeophile ring which had blown open, and which all got swept under the carpet.)

Or were you thinking of the current Federal Minister of Finance, Schäuble, who
as a party delegate was revealed to have accepted DM 100,000 illegally and surreptitiously from an arms dealer, and of whom Chancellor Merkel more recently expressed her full confidence, in her brusque answer to a Dutch journalist's question at a press conference?


Or, by "dark" you mean the SPD, and the attempted secrecy of the pedophile affair of Mr. Edathy, as well as closing ranks with the left-extreme Federal Minister of Justice Maas and the former Stasi informant Anetta Kahane, who jointly undermine the basic right of freedom of opinion, illegally pursuing arbitrarily targeted "hate speech" in order to intimidate citizens to silence.


No? Perhaps you mean the (often) drug-dependent, pedophile-friendly Greens, who demand early sexualization in pre-schools, and whose agenda is directed against our children, families, Christianity (against Israel, by the way), democracy and Germany as a nation and state. And not just at the national level, but also at the EU level, in the EU Parliament.


Or do you mean the Left - the Germany-haters, the Antifa supporters and their mentors. Should not the term "dark Germans" refer to those whose tendency is to publicly scream slogans like "Never again Germany" and "Germany is shit" or even "Bomber Harris do it again!"...?  Who publicly insult our police forces with "All cops are bastards", regularly staging street riots where they target police personnel, members of the AfD party, participants in demonstrations who do not share the left-wing extremist views of the so-called "Antifa", who have to put up with the latter's verbal abuse, physical attacks, as well as property damage in costs of millions - and allt his with near total impunity? This dark Germany is financed, indulged, tolerated and decriminalized by the SPD, the Greens, and the Left Party.


One moment, Mr President! 


Might you mean by "dark", your Chancellor - who in the midst of her election victory in 2009 grabbed and tossed away German Federal flag with unmistakeable contempt?


Where I come from, she would be standing at the unemployment office the very next day. A Chancellor breaks international, European and Federal law without any conflict of conscience, which reactively governs in an autocratic manner and directs an illegal mass resettlement here from Islamic countries and cultures. An Islam which violates the UN Charter of Human Rights, our Basic Law, as well as the freedoms inherent in our rule of order, does not belong to Germany or Europe, but to the imagination of the elites, who pursue a sneaking, human rights hostile agenda undignifying to their respective Offices.


What is with the dark, ideologically conformist celebrities and elites gathered together to express "Never Again!" who fall over themselves to be seen in the news as giving their faces to a "Uprising of the Upright" (whereas none are particularly identifiable there), and appear on TV spots as "toler-ists" as part of a running social re-education via public television?

Media, police, and political elites who played down, relativised, and therewith encouraged the nationwide (sexual) attacks on New Year's Eve 2015/16, while in so doing only mocked the victims, the citizens and the population, who are rightly anxious and angry.


In your own words, Mr. Gauck, from your position as Germany's highest ranking representative: "the elites are not the problem but rather the People". Where I come from, this is called: treason!

I am neither anxious nor angry - but angry, and God is with me!

Apparently it has departed your awareness, Mr. Gauck, what is carved over the Reichstag's portals
("The German People") - or have you already removed it (or does that come next)?

So, who are the "clear Germans", Mr. Gauck, somehow you and the Federal Government?


Your ruling caste has degenerated to such an extent, has become so unimportant and so jeopardizing toward the good of the future of this democratic Republic that the maligned, discredited and discriminated Germans, yes, the patriotic and freedom loving Germans, should not conceal for one moment their actual claim to decency, to being upstanding, to being the clear Gemany.

They are this, because they want to defend and preserve the growth of Germany's social state and culture. That is why they reject multicultural human experiments as well as an increasingly solidifying new class society with a few super wealthy, a melting middle class and a growing precariousness. They are this, because they do not want to accept leaking borders open to the huge surplus of young males
from Arabia and Africa with no perspective or just fleeing responsibility.


This is because we want to live in a Europe of well-intentioned neighboring peoples in a sovereign state of Germany, which is neither to be an economic and political hegemon nor an EU paymaster. It is because we reject military interventions abroad and do not want to interfere in the conflicts of other states and regions. The Bundeswehr is exclusively responsible for the defense of the country. And so we do not want any confrontation, but rather trade and cultural exchange, with Russia.Many other points could be cited, as to why we can, and indeed must, claim to be the good side. In any event, there are not the slightest grounds to shove us into the spurious role of "mob", "nay-sayers" and "haters" vis-à-vis the actual dark German forces. This attempt at exclusion must be much more offensively confronted in future. We are fighting in accordance with the Basic Law for the best of things, namely a better future for our country. That is why we are the clear Germany - and not the Federal Government, the media, the cultural governesses - or you, Mr. Gauck!


I will conclude by saying, "I've had it up to here", (That latter was actually a play on words with the normal German formality of letter closure.)

S. Inayat-Chisti

(The following is my public delivery of the original text:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uShe22emk-A )
